Personal Bests

Best efforts on variants of the “big three”

Deadlift: 730×2, 700×4, 650×6, 615×11, 590×12
Conventional Deadlift: 655×1, 640×2, 620×3, 590×5
Elevated Deadlift: 726×2 (weight raised 5″), 715×2 (weight raised 4.5″)
Reverse Band Deadlift: 785×1, 765×3
Conventional Rack Deadlift: 840×1 (mid knee)
Sumo SLDL: 585×1 (from floor)
Farmer’s Deadlift: 730×2

Bench Press:
Incline Bench: 370×1
Flat Bench: 385×1, 360×2, 345×3, 320×7
Flat Bench w/ Pause: 380×1, 360×2
Flat Bench w/ Slingshot: 460×1
Floor Press: 380×1, 340×4
Decline Bench: 405×1
CG Bench: 340×1, 320×2

Wide stance: 675×1, 650×2, 605×3, 590×6
Parallel box Wide stance: 505 + blue bands x3
Narrow stance parallel: 610×1, 600×2, 560×3
Narrow stance ATG: 625×1, 565×3, 515×5
Narrow stance ATG Paused Squat: 550×1, 525×2, 495×3 (3-5+ sec pause at bottom of each rep)
Zercher Squat off Pins (pins @ 28″ high): 645×1

Overhead  Press:
Push Press: 325×1, 315×2, 305×3, 275×7
Strict Military Press: 300×1, 295×3